• (July 2020 at our Team’s beginnings-December 31, 2020)

    -1294 Humxns given survival support, food, tarps, tents, socks, supplies

    -184 unique patients, 11 return patients seen by medical providers at our street clinic and on individual outreach checks

    -36 wound care patients including foot & hand soaks

    -75 life saving prescriptions filled, 10 COVID tests

    -186 herbal medicine offerings

    -209 referrals to social services

    -21 Emergency Hotel Rooms offered (especially in September during unprecedented wildfires)

    -210 First Aid Kits

    -1490 harm reduction supplies

    -15 different outreach locations

  • In 2021, Our team had some funding via our then-fiscal sponsor, Occupy Medical. This helped some of our team be temporarily paid for the work they did, and allowed us time to provide more care (clinics & outreach alike) than we could have otherwise as sole volunteers as well as access to more supplies for distribution.

    5426 humxns given survival support, food, tarps, socks, tents, supplies

    702 unique patients, 433 return patients seen by medical providers at our street clinic and on individual outreach checks

    265 life saving prescriptions filled

    246 wound care patients seen for wound care, foot & hand soaks and 46 abscess care

    320 Herbal Consults, 1111 herbal medicine offerings (tinctures, salves, syrups, spray and capsules)

    86 COVID-19 Vaccines, 21 COVID-19 tests

    144 referrals to further medical care

    234 referrals to other social services

    1413 First Aid Kits (see our donations page to learn more)

    34,042 harm reduction supplies
    ( syringes, naloxone kits, safe injection kits, fentanyl test kits, safer smoking & snorting kits)

    33 pregnancy tests

    2945 safe sex supplies

    6700 Hygiene supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, q-tips, lotion, wipes, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, bags, )

    2237 Survival Supplies (tents, tarps, sleeping bags, blankets, hand warmers, socks)

    36 different Outreach Locations

  • In this year, we operated entirely as volunteers, with funding solely from community members. In addition, the City of Eugene shut down Washington/Jefferson Park where we held clinic, and displaced several hundred people we used to see weekly making it difficult to find and provide services.

    1518 humxns given survival support, food, tarps, socks, tents, supplies

    193 unique patients, 74 return patients seen by medical providers at our street clinic and on individual outreach checks

    67 life saving prescriptions filled

    105 wound care patients seen for wound care, foot & hand soaks and 29 abscess care

    106 Herbal Consults, 268 herbal medicine offerings (tinctures, salves, syrups, spray and capsules)

    85 referrals to other social services

    26 referrals to further medical care

    646 First Aid Kits (see our donations page to learn more)

    Over 28,000 Harm Reduction Supplies: 25,656 Syringes, 1296 naloxone doses, 1290 fentanyl tests, 950 safer smoking kits, 120 safer snorting kits

    1099 safer sex supplies

    38 different Outreach Locations

  • This year we received our first grants halfway thru the year! This allowed us to temporarily pay some of our staff for the work they do in our Reproductive Health Program, and allowed us to support more people in hotel stays and prescription assistance.

    1955 humxns given survival support food, tarps, socks, tents, supplies

    1153 unique patients, 67 return patients seen by medical providers at our street clinic and on individual outreach checks

    63 life saving prescriptions filled

    88 wound care patients seen for wound care, foot & hand soaks and 13 abscess care

    95 Herbal Consults, 261 herbal medicine offerings (tinctures, salves, syrups, spray and capsules)

    93 referrals to other social services

    23 referrals to further medical care

    637 First Aid Kits (see our donations page to learn more)

    Over 25,000 Harm Reduction Supplies: 19,200 Syringes, 1690 Naloxone doses, 2855 fentanyl, xylazine & benzo test strips, 1435 safer smoking kits, and ties, cookers, cottons.

    51 pregnancy tests, 1205 safer sex supplies

    34 different Outreach Locations




Individuals Served: 10,702


Patients seen: 1198 Prescriptions: 455

Wound Care: 445, Abscess Care: 65

Herbal Consults: 1654, Herbal Medicines: 1619

First Aid Kits: 640

Survival & Hygiene Supplies: 6,402


Syringes: 19, 015, 10025 additional supplies

Test Strips: 5989

Naloxone Doses: 4123

Safer Sex Supplies: 3500

Pregnancy Tests: 165

*Last Updated: 1/1/24

“Thank you so much for what you do--not a lot of people come out here, and what you're doing keeps us alive."

-a participant in our street outreach services.