Abortion is Healthcare

Abortion is healthcare. Healthcare is a human right.

BTSA stands by all those affected by reversal of Roe V. Wade today, and we are deeply enraged by the so-called Supreme Court’s blatant miscarriage of justice.

We recognize that while Roe was never enough, its reversal will have real, life threatening effects. Those effects will fall disproportionately our BIPOC, femme, LGBTQAI+ and unhoused kin. A nation with a maternal mortality rate only slightly higher than most ‘third world’ countries, and with a black maternal mortality rate 4x higher than that of white people has NO BUSINESS telling anyone what to do with their bodies.

People who can get pregnant who live on the street face daily violence. Most often in the form of people with resources using those resources in coercive ways in order to extract sexual work from folks. In one 1997 study, 92% of unhoused mothers reported either severe physical or sexual assault in their lifetime. 13% reported r*pe in the last 12 months, half of those reported multiple assaults.

Access to reproductive and sexual health services are lifesaving and necessary.

The healthcare system is already deeply racist, exclusionary and dehumanizing for the average citizen. But for an unhoused pregnant person the barriers are extraordinary.

In Oregon we are expected to experience a massive increase in the need for abortion care coming from out of state. This will massively overburden our current clinical systems and create even more barriers to care for people without access to basic communication channels like a regular working phone.



If you are looking for hyper-local resources to donate to, please consider donating to us. We serve a range of support roles for unhoused folks seeking healthcare including reproductive care and advocacy.

Also consider supporting our friends at http://daisychainlane.org , specifically their Dandelion Full Spectrum outreach Team and other abortion advocates/funds in trigger states.

In addition, if you are someone in the Eugene/Springfield area who feels for whatever reason that Planned Parenthood is inaccessible to you, do not hesitate to reach out. We can help get you where you need to go.


A Harm Reductionist Abroad


Congregate Shelters are Not for Everyone.