A Harm Reductionist Abroad

Never leave without your narcan.

Recently, one of our members was abroad on vacation when the passengers in the seat next to them slumped and became unresponsive. There was a general call for any medical personnel on the plane, but as it turned out the only doctor present had headphones in and didn’t hear the call.

The street medic had heard the woman speaking and engaging normally only minutes before, and immediately assessed her for overdose. Checking her pulse and breathing first, notice she was both breathing and had a steady but high pulse, they took a breath of relief. They were about to check irises when the woman came around.

At this point luckily the doctor was notified and came to do a full medical assessment, but as it turned out the plane had no medical supplies to speak of. Not even a first aid kit.

As they continued to assist the doctor monitor the passenger, the medic though about what would have happened if this woman had overdosed a thousand feet in the sky with no narcan on the plane. Before they had left, they had worried about airport security measures and had decided to leave their narcan at home. never again.

Turns out, airport security isn’t usually the issue with carrying medicine to reverse OD, it’s your final destination. Some countries have differing laws about who can administer narcan and when, so check your destination’s laws and regulations before you travel. Some airlines have made promises to carry narcan, but not all, and generally med kits go unchecked. Carry your narcan, save a life!


Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Love


Abortion is Healthcare